Monday, May 21, 2012

Tomorrow When the War Began

Tomorrow When the War Began is the begging of an amazing and shocking journey that a group of teenage students have to endure. After they return from a short camping trip in the bushes up the river they realise they have came back to hell. Realising that there old lives are gone they have to hide out. The plot of the story is an invading country takes over Australia. Starting with Cobblers Bay they roll in their tanks and march in there soldiers all over the country side. Ellie and her band of friends decide they aren't just going to sit there and hide under a rock until this all blows over, they decide to be active and become guerrillas. I really like this book for a lot of reasons, for starters is Australian so I understand the strange language they use and also I like the idea of kids not taking adults to think of them as babies. That is the reason I like books about child spies and kids who take charge. I strongly recommend this book to strong readers like you (ms. Patrice) because it has a really good plot line and has seat edging suspense.

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