Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Devine Madness

1. What made you choose this book in the first place?

I have read the first 4 books of the CHERUB series and really loved them so when i saw this at the bookstore i picked it right up.

2. How did you like the novel? Was it too long or too short?

The book was a great read and the perfect length i was looking for, around 400 pages is perfect for me because its not too short too read in an hour but not too long that u start to get bored with it. It wasn a really intresting book and i want to read the next ones.

3. If you could meet one person in the novel who would it be and why?

If i had to meet one charecter it would probably be james because he is really cool and good a jodo. His also funny and has a great sense of humor.

4. What was the funniest part in the book?

The funniest part in the book was when James climbed down into the sewer to escape the ark and swore to quite Cherub when he was out of there, and then one of the maintence men helped him and asked why didn't he swich on the light and the drainage pipe instead of wading through knee deep sewage in pitch black.

5. Would you ever read it again?

I have already read it twice because it's soo good and would hapily read it a third time.

6. Why do you like the CHERUB series so much?

I really like the cherub series because tehy are fun to read and i found out that it sucks you into the stroyline. For example, when i was reading the really sad part in the book i felt really bad like i wanted to sleep my life away and i was really depressed for no reason, but when the happy parts come i get really excited and adrenaline rushes through my body so i can't put it down.

The Killing

The killing is another book in the cherub series written by robert muchamore. It is a stroy about a young boy who is ophaned after the death of his mother. He is recruited to join a super secret agency called CHERUB that specializes with under 17 year old spys. James, who had been recurited for cherub earlier in the novel, is put under a lot of pressure when he lashes out at a poor young agent who has been through alot. On top of being ditched by his friends and sister, Lauren, he was made to do punishment laps and clean the nission control centre everyday for 3 months. Luckily for james he got assaigned to a mission in a criminal village called Palm Hill. His mission was too infiltrate a suspected drug lords family with an older CHERUB member and uncover evidence of his crimes. After a few weeks into the mission, links start connecting a high ranking police officer and the drug lord. Looking deeper into the connections between them, they start to uncover more links to a bank robery that had taken place a few moths earlier. One of their members who helped in the robbery was killed soon after the robbery. The boys start to doubt it was accidently. After talking to witnesses and family members of the dead boys family they had enough proof to know that the police officer murded him but the problem was..they didn't have enough evidence. After creating a scheme too turn the two murders against each other they brung in some more CHERUB agents and officials to deal with the more serious mission. After turning the two men against each other they recorded their conversation inwhich they clearly stated that they were the ones who murdered the poor boy. They both got sentanced to life in Jail.